Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Baby is Growing Up

God by Rayyan Osman
My name is Rayyan Osman
I don't care what people say because...
I am beautiful, because God made me
I am smart, God gave me all that I know
I am good enough, for God at least
I am not jealous, because God made me the way I am, and everyone else
I am not afraid of anyone, but God
I don't get embarassed easily, until it comes to God
I don't act the way I do for you, I do it for God
Eveything has an answer: Because God wants it that way

This lovely poem was by my younger sister Rayyan. She's 11 years old and wise beyond her years. I think her being the youngest has aloud her to grow up faster. She has my brother, older sister, and I to look up to. I try my best to be the best role model I can be for her. I remind her everyday to pray her prayers so Allah can help her and Alhamdulilah she listens to me. We listen to Islamic lectures together and read Quran instead of listening to Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber, no matter how obsessed she is lol. I love my younger sister soo much and I'm so proud of her. InshAllah, she will grow up to be the talented and courageous young lady I know she can be.