It's been a little over a month since my discrimination incident and since than I have done my part in contacting organizations that deal with social injustice. Right now it is simply a waiting game. For about 2 weeks now, I have done many interviews with the media and have done my best to get the word out. It's been crazy seeing the headlines on random sites stating [Muslim Woman Claiming Air France Discriminated Against Her]. It's so weird knowing that this headline is talking about me. Seriously all I wanted was to get a well paying summer job..instead I ended up on the news with a possible law suit in the future. One of the weirdest aspects of this experience is the article that got posted in a Sudanese news paper with my face literly posted all over it. My mom and sister are in Sudan and they called to let me know that people keep coming over with the article after recognizing me from it. Alhamdulilah, deep down inside, I'm happy and glad that this is not all going to my head. I'm actually not liking all the attention surprisingly. I just wanna get all of this done with and have justice be served. It's really unfair that AirFrance gets to discriminate against me and just go on with business, while I'm forced to sit here on my summer break and deal with phone calls all day and sign legal papers to get everything sorted out. I need patience. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll get a call from AirFrance saying that they want to settle the dispute. Or maybe, they will want to fight this battle out. Either way, Alhamdulilah for everything. Allah is The Most Just and he never gives anyone less than what they deserve. This is a test and through Allah I will get through this trial God Willing.