Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Campus Progress 2011 National Conference

Turning Truth to Power
Last Wednesday, I was lucky enough to attend The Campus Progress National Conference in Washington D.C. A friend of mind got me the hook up into this amazing event that brought together over 1,000 college students to hear amazing speakers such as former president, Bill Clinton, Gene Sperling, Kathleen Sebelius, and many more. I met many people that shared my interests in politics and social change and received great advice from some of America's most prominent leaders. Following this experience, I have a renewed sense of direction and inspiration in realizing what it is I want to do with my career. The best piece of advice I gained was to base my career off of a cause that I am passionate about. I'm still deliberating what my greatest passion is because I have many, but I am well on the way. Whatever it is I end up doing in the future with my career, I need to make sure it pleases Allah swt. The last thing I want is to look back on my life with regret and feel that I disappointed Allah. InshAllah my career will be something that will be beneficial in this life and the next. 
President Bill Clinton
 "You cant change truth to power unless people know the facts." 
"There is too much we don't know and too much we don't share, so make sure you know and make sure you share."
Stand Up For What You Believe In
Not my view, but hey to each his own
Introduced to a wonderful group of people
If only everyone stood by this definition
Congressman Keith Ellison

MashAllah this man is a great leader and an excellent representation of the Muslim community in America. I don't know how many people heard about the hearings held regarding the radicalization of Muslims in America. Congressman Keith Ellison gave a statement at the hearings and in the process he wept as he told the story of a Muslim fire fighter [Mohammad Salman Hamdani who was killed on 9/11. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Ellison.
Watch the video here