
Monday, October 4, 2010

Masjid Makeover

Sister Alex and Sister Wiaam...two friends who love each other
purely for the sake of Allah Subhana Wa Ta3ala
Sister Kellan and Sister Lamyaa rockin
the hijab MashAllah
Apparently Painting is fun :)
Sister Ragaa...what a skilled
painter MashAllah
Lamyaa putting her life on the line to paint the
ceiling. That's what I call real jihad. 
Only Wiwi and Riri would attempt to paint using
one brush at the same time
Brother Waleed heroically taking the light fixture down.
Alhamdulilah for the Muslim Ummah

The Masjid is one of Allah SWT's many houses and as Muslims it is our responsibility to maintain the cleanliness and well being of it. The size of a masjid does not add nor take away from its significance in a Muslim community, therefore it is our responsibility as the Muslim Ummah to maintain a close connection with the local mosque. Join a group or attend a khutbah every now and than and you will see a major change in your life InshAllah. 
Volunteer to help clean your masjid or donate money towards the maintenance of the masjid and make a difference. The Prophet(SAW) said, “Whosoever removes adhaa (anything repulsiveor harmful) from the masjid, Allah will make a house for him in Jannah.” (ibn majah). Encourage your family members and friends to donate their time and efforts towards the maintenance of a beautiful masjid.

How to Make-Over Your Masjid
- donate cleaning equipments
- clean toilets and bathrooms
- vacuum/wash carpets
- ensure there is toilet paper and water in the bathroom
- sweep courtyard
- maintain garden and cut grass
- make sure there are garbage cans available 
- repair anything that is broken
- paint/repair walls
- replace prayer mats if needed

 “In houses which Allah has permitted to be raised up, that His Name may be remembered therein. In them He is glorified, morning and evening.” Al-Qur’an 24:36.

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