
Monday, November 26, 2012

Summer Vacation Update

I just realized that I never shared some of my photos from Egypt and Sudan with you all. I had a great summer vacation and got to spend time with both my family in Egypt and Sudan. I stayed in Egypt for only 10 days, but each of those days was filled with something new everyday. I finally got to see the Pyramids up close, I went shopping in Cairo and in the Khan el Khalili Market, and I went to Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea. I got to experience Ramadan for the first time in Sudan and also Eid. 

Belly Dancer 
The Red Sea
The Great Pyramids of Giza
Family Picture
My and my sister in Cairo
Watching the sun go down Ramadan 2012 Sudan
Ramadan iftaar Sudan
Men praying outside in Sudan
I got henna done on my hands for eid
A mosque in Omdurman, Sudan

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

VCU Inter-MSA 2012

I attended Virginia Commonwealth University's Inter-MSA event this past weekend where students from George Mason University, the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Mary Washington, etc attended. It was really nice and we got to interact with each other and meet new people. Brother Joshua Salaam of Native Deen spoke at the event as well as a few other speakers. We attended a talent show and got to know each other. We also had a bonfire and enjoyed quality time together. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Last night I learned that the hijab is not a man repellent. Okay what I mean by repellent, I mean that I thought the hijab would prevent guys that weren’t serious about marriage and just wanted to date me from approaching me and being flirtacious. I was wrong. 1) I couldn’t understand how in the world a non-Muslim guy could imagine me being their type 2) For some odd reason, I always felt like guys automatically understood that I don’t date, so I was just a bit shocked at the thought of a guy actually thinking he could possibly date me.
Have you ever had this happen to you?

Monday, November 12, 2012

D.C. Photoshoot

I went on a trip with one of the programs I'm involved in at my university to D.C. We went to the National Gallery of Art, had lunch in Chinatown, and ended our trip with a visit to the National Museum of the American Indian. All photos were taken by me. 


Thursday, November 8, 2012


Everyday when I go out and walk on campus, I see this boy who’s a student at my university who gets around in a wheel chair. Whenever I see him, he always looks so content and I hardly ever see him alone. He’s always with one of his friends.
I always get sad when I see him because I think about the state of my heart and how much I complain about tasks such as walking 15 minutes to class everyday. The other day when I saw him, I thought to myself, “why am I blessed with the ability to walk, while he is confined to a wheelchair?” I honestly don’t know the answer to that question or if there is one right answer, but what I do know is that God is the Most Fair and that people don’t face hardships for nothing. I really love that I can learn something from someone who’s name I don’t even know and hopefully apply something about them to improve myself.

Trick or Treat for UNICEF

Last week and on Halloween night, I participated in my first ever trick or treat for UNICEF event where we went door to door asking people to donate change for children in developing countries. Me and my two friends in the picture made about $151, but together the UMW club made over $1,000! I'm really proud of how successful our event was even though it was only our first time participating. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall Photography

My university is so gorgeous in the Fall. I thought it deserved a photoshoot so I made sure I brought my camera with me on the way to work to snap some shots. I'll make sure to take more photos because my campus is beautiful in the winter as well.

Photography by Riham O.